the problem is the ip/mac binding log: there are continuous log entries of the usg 100 that BLOCKS PACKETS from ADDRESS (MAC of the modem LAN1) from (the ip that i use

To be more specific, the DHCP server assigns this static IP to a unique MAC address assigned to each NIC on your LAN. Your computer boots and requests its IP from the router's DHCP server. The DHCP server recognizes the MAC address of your device's NIC and assigns the static IP address to it. Assign IP Address – This is the fixed IP Address it will get every time it connects to the network. To: MAC Address – This is a unique identifier associated to a device. To know how to get the MAC Address of your computer, click here. Step 6: Click Save. QUICK TIP: You can click on Edit or Delete to configure your DHCP Reservation List. What is your DHCP start and end IP? Try as the starting and set end as Use and above for mac/ip binding. Is Enable DNS Proxy checked? if not then select and that will forward all dns request to the dns ip address in the wan settings. Test and post the results,

IP/MAC-Binding « Vorherige 1 Also nicht mittels statischer IP einfach eine andere nehmen und mit dieser surfen. Am besten wäre es, wenn MAC und IP nicht zusammen passen, dass die Verbindung zum Gateway dann direkt verworfen wird. Wäre cool wenn dafür jemand eine Lösung hätte. lubux.

The DHCP reservation gives the host permission to bind the IP address to a MAC address. This means the host is allowed (a) to do the binding at the interface to accept packets on that address, (b) send packets with that source address; and (c) sen

Binding setting如下: MAC ip XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX bizpro iT邦大師 1 級 ‧ 2012-03-26 11:51:42 檢舉 是的. shuan0114 iT邦好手 1 級 ‧ 2012-03-27 15:39:59 檢舉 如同bizpro大大說的

2019-11-28 · ip-mac binding no-match action deny 缺省情况下,允许未匹配到IP-MAC 绑定表项的报文通过。 1.8 IP-MAC绑定显示和维护 在完成上述配置后,在任意视图下执行 display 命令可以显示配置后IP-MAC的运行情况,通过查看显示信息验证配置的效果 【交换机】交换机如何配置address-bind(全局绑 …